All in the Family is a situation comedy that was broadcast on the CBS Network from January 12, 1971 to April 8, 1979. The show was notable for taking on issues that had been previously absent from American television. In comparison, the FOX show Malcolm in the Middle, which was broadcast on that network from January 9, 2000 to May 14, 2006, had a seemingly, very different goal.
One can tell these shows came from different generations just by watching for only a few minutes. All in the Family was shot in front of a live audience using the traditional three-camera setup. In addition, this show was shot on the new, less expensive format of videotape. In comparison, Malcolm in the Middle was shot on film using a single camera and without a studio audience. This less traditional style for a sitcom reveals production values more in line with a film television drama rather than a TV show. In addition, the age of the characters in Malcolm in the Middle was definitely skewed towards a younger generation as compared with All in the Family.
These two shows do have some similarities. Both rely heavily on the conflict between family members to provide humor, whether at be Archie the bigot’s conflicts with his more liberal son, or Malcolm fighting with his rather crazy mom Lois. In addition, they were both 30-minute (less with commercials) sitcoms on network TV.
One area where there two shows differ greatly is how and what issues are discussed. While All in the Family was very provocative and dealt head on with the issues of racism and homosexuality (above) through Archie the bigot, Malcolm in the Middle was much more focused on the internals of the family. The latter show cared more about family dynamics and inter-personal conflict than the issues facing the country. Malcolm in the Middle never really seemed to actively challenge society norms outside of the geek fitting in at school and the like. All in the Family was much more “in-your-face” about serious issues.
Overall, these two sitcoms define their decades. All in the Family was provocative in that it challenged the pressing issues of the 1970s while Malcolm in the Middle tried to make sense of a modern early 2000s family. Despite their differences, these two shows have one thing in common; they both were popular and won many awards.